Email: Hopalong calendar [CH]
The Aztec calendar was more accurate than the Gregorian calendar.
Sure, if I had time last week, this would have been a fun subject to pursue... Xochimilco, Batman!
Twerpette (named for my dachshund Molley, the original twerpette or "goofy girl") seeks to tweak the long nose of life with humor, affection, and gravitas. Topics include dating and relationships, faith and spirituality, language and writing, journalism, technology, arts, academe, whimsy and humanity. Cheeky and tweaky, Twerpette is rated PG13 for mature language and themes. This weblog began May 10, 2005. Copyright 2005-2016 Steve Deyo.
The Aztec calendar was more accurate than the Gregorian calendar.
(One of my peeves, I have learned over the years, is that you always have to ask any tech support question three times before it's finally answered. Here is my third go with Netflix, repeating the same words as clearly as below.)
EPA Warns Of Dangerous Levels Of Romance In Air | The Onion - America's Finest News Source: "WASHINGTON, DC—Responding to a dramatic increase in cases of starry-eyed gazing and spontaneous poetry, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a general health warning Tuesday for hazardous levels of atmospheric romance across the entire North American continent.
Pronunciation: 'pa-s&l
Yourmusic is a site that offers a limited selection of popular music CDs for $5.99 each (free shipping). You sign up, build a queue of music you want, then (like Netflix) receive one disc from the top of your queue per month. You can buy more, but prices remain $5.99 per disc.
Think about what differentiates having a passion (lifelong learning, youth education and mentoring, culture and the fine or folk arts, etc.) from being an extremist (radical Republican, Democrat, Christian, Islamist, etc.). It may mean the difference between focusing on the positive and focusing on the negative, from being proactionary to being reactionary. On the one hand, a person of passion preserves intact his or her respect for others; on the other hand, a person of extremism has literally "gone off the deep end" and loses all perspective for objectivity and, usually, intellectual and emotional honesty.
Amercian (American) oil company. (A geomarine web site.)
In the interest of growing in selflessness and in service to one's fellow humans, the Catholic Church and other conservative Christians quote the Bible to say that "I [the self] must grow lesser, so that he [Christ] may grow greater" -- and this is true, as far as it goes. Yet Christian beliefs become overspiritualized and spread too thinly when they are considered apart from their roots in Judaism and in human life itself.
"But during “Start Me Up,” the line “you make a dead man come” was cut short, and a barnyard reference to “cocks” in the new song “Rough Justice” also disappeared.
(Thanks to NA for the lead-in. Disclaimer: Use of the word evil here is only in the sense of a benevolent dictator at worst.)
From time to time, I'll post here some pun-chline that may seem clever (to the sufficiently deformed mind) but for which I don't have time or interest in concocting the setup. (Feel free to write your own backstory.) Here's the first egregious assault on the English language:
(Check out Roboshrub Inc. and one of their latest "inventions": Cardboard Hull Plating)
Although it's more complex than it needs to be, Peerflix is a cool riff on Netflix: