("The BOZO bit: Computer evangelism and other Kool-Aid products" by John Kheit via wincent.com)
"This gets to the crux of Apple's problems. Some of the people associated with Apple make it unattractive. This can include anyone from top Apple management all the way down to the user base. This unattractive group, let's call it the Bitter Obstinate Zealot Order (BOZO for short), whines, avoids reality, drinks too much Kool-Aid, self affirms, condescends, and annoys.
As a result, BOZOs alienate themselves from prospective members and customers. Why? Because they operate under at least two fallacies. The first is that picking a better quality product makes BOZOs better people. The second fallacy is that insulting people who BOZOs perceive as having picked a lesser product is a persuasive form of argument. [...]
All religions require belief in some sort of divine power and have funky rules to follow. Consider, however, religions like Moonies and Krishnas versus other religions. Why doesn't anyone want to deal with the Moonies and Krishnas? In part, because they obnoxiously, aggressively, and actively bother people for not ascribing to their religions.
Other religions that leave their doors open, that do good things, that act positively and yet do not actively recruit people are usually more attractive. These other religions don't shove their beliefs down your throat; if you are interested, you may come in and learn. Furthermore, these other religions are not totalitarian. There is room for differing opinions and understandings about the religion. In the more cult-like religions, there is no such tolerance. Evangelism that is light on rhetoric and heavy on action is more effective. Further, allowing people to maintain different perspectives, in essence giving them freedom to have their own opinions, while still being welcome members of the group attracts a greater number of members.
People join the Mac community despite the BOZOs in it, not because of them. The BOZO community and its historical likes in the form of BOZO Amiga users, et al., are perhaps the biggest selling point in favor of Windows. Here's a prototypical signature I've seen Mac BOZOs use in usenet posts: 'You always meet people that love their macs... but you never really meet anyone that loves their PC.' BOZO users love this kind of crap. Does that make PC users losers? They are stupid right? Just because they use their PC as a tool, and are not enamored with their systems, they are clearly losers? Who the hell wants to join a community with such a bad attitude? Apparently not the vast majority of computer users, despite any proffered countervailing claims of technical superiority."