Thursday, December 11, 2008

Email: After snow [EH]

Yes, there was a flurry of flakes [last night]. It melted. We may have gotten more during the night since the top of the park's picnic shelter across the street was dripping water in the morning sun. No, [snow] falling and staying (at least a half-inch if not a half-foot) would remind me of Minnesota.

Weather: 38 for 36 degrees

I awoke quite early this morning so my inner thermostat felt off, even an hour after I finally turned on the heat about 7 am. Walking Twerpette this hour, I just couldn't "feel" the temperature well -- I couldn't decide if it was 34 or 39 degrees. (Houston's humidity and a breeze can tend to muck it up.) I finally guessed an uncertain 38 degrees. Checking now, though, it says 36 degrees. Hm.

Except that reading of 36 "feels like 27" degrees. Double hm.