Musings: Groom's dinner
It’s come to my attention that apparently only men call it the “groom’s dinner” and only women call it the “rehearsal dinner.”
Twerpette (named for my dachshund Molley, the original twerpette or "goofy girl") seeks to tweak the long nose of life with humor, affection, and gravitas. Topics include dating and relationships, faith and spirituality, language and writing, journalism, technology, arts, academe, whimsy and humanity. Cheeky and tweaky, Twerpette is rated PG13 for mature language and themes. This weblog began May 10, 2005. Copyright 2005-2016 Steve Deyo.
It’s come to my attention that apparently only men call it the “groom’s dinner” and only women call it the “rehearsal dinner.”
(Tao Te Ching, Chapter 11)
My brother Dave wants to know if there's any alternative to kids' just driving their parents crazy sometimes. I shared my considered wisdom, which says: Nope. They're human beings, and still-developing ones at that; they are going to drive their parents crazy, just no way around it.
It's great to be back in good ol' environmentally sensitive Minnesota. In Houston, 70-80 percent of the cars -- I mean, vehicles -- are SUVs and pickup trucks. In Minnesota, 70-80 percent of the cars are cars.
I discovered my brother Greg lives one street away from Flink Avenue.
This Dialogues is a rare actual exchange. Increasingly, scammers ping or instant-message people on Yahoo Messenger, typically claim to be a 24- to 27-year-old model, and I have no idea what additional lies they present after that. You can either limit your IMs to people on your buddy list, or if you must be open to new contacts for business reasons, be wary and cut these cretins off using the Warn, Block or Ignore button in your IM software.
Jesse Ventura's book, I Ain't Got Time to Bleed (from one of his lines in Predator), refers to the mission-oriented male mentality that personal inconvenience (including pain or injury) is beneath consideration and should brook no delay. In other words, if it hurts when I hit my head on something, I just haven't hit my head often enough to get used to it yet; or I can simply ignore it. Men need to "take a licking and keep on ticking" -- largely because in war or emergency situations, they must -- just as most women will grab the tiger by the tail when the welfare of a child is involved.
I saw a billboard for beef jerky that said "Fun Size A Cow." (It's been a long day, so I had to keep reading the sign, because my eyes wanted to put "Have" in the middle.) What's this: Promote the concept of chopping an entire cow into "fun-sized" chunks of beef -- commoditized snarf-'em-up consumerism like McNuggets and Snickers minis? It's ghoulishly reductionist and reminiscent of the Futurama commercial that parodies that very mentality: "Glergsnag's Human Rinds: It's a cruncha-muncha-buncha human!" I don't think we'd like that (leather) shoe if it were on another's foot.
I am constantly thinking of others and what information or help they might benefit from or appreciate. Despite this, my work and communication load has dropped off significantly from what it used to be in the 1980s and 1990s. (It is a little disappointing that my intellectual interests and involvements have slipped from dozens to handfuls.) I am aware that most people frequently "cut corners" and "look out for number one," even if those would be diametrically opposed to how I have lived most of my life.
One morning during worship services at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church in Minneapolis, a homeless person wandered in, shambled down to the front of the altar, lifted his arms in silent prayer and stood there, "bowing and scraping," for some time. I had the distinct sense that an angel was in our midst -- as did our pastor, lay pastoral leader and several parishioners, I later learned. (Like me, our pastor said he nearly smiled while watching several of the more uptight parishioners, wondering if they would have a bird.)
Jesus was a Jew, but a decidedly nonconformist one. He fit into the traditions but sought to transform them for their larger meaning: the spirit, not the letter, of the law. He challenged the status quo and made the religious leaders so uncomfortable that they sought to have him executed (like the paschal lamb). So I began thinking: How far would God have stretched the envelope, in those days or in ours?
I hope you're not paying too much attention to this overinflated windbag of a player who no doubt has the attention of ungainly beta, gamma and delta males who don't know how to "get any."
You could have done his job, and done it better; and I've rarely found anyone who appreciates that. Most people see threats against themselves instead of opportunities to collaborate and grow stronger.
Q. You think too much.
Q. You seem dogmatic.
I've been fascinated by the prospect of "how" being used as a verb ever since my youngest son once said "I how do that!"
"What's bred in the bone will out in the flesh." -- ancient Irish proverb
(I just ran across this dated Kathy O'Connell column on an apparently timeless topic.)
Yes, it certainly is God when we don't know how it worked out, but it did!
We have hummingbirds; I see one in front of my place fairly often. Well, standing on the stoop just now while letting Molley out, two hummers zipped in front of my head and flitted back and forth between the bottlebrush tree, the myrtle tree, and the fireweed-looking bush.
Thank you very much for your prayers for New Orleans and the whole Gulf coast (all the way from England)... That's what we need to sustain us, all right.
I understand that communication doesn't just mean saying it, it means conveying it. I know that words on a page or screen don't convey a message to some as clearly as having "the whole enchilada" of a live person speaking, emoting, and gesturing in the same room.
Unfortunately the Net can, as you say, be the ideal playing field for players. That's always pissed me off.
I think it's good that you can enjoy doing things alone; too often women have a problem with that, so it probably shows a healthy independence (to my mind).
I've heard of men sexually abandoning their partners after marriage and preferring solo sex or porn or worse; I don't know what that's about, other than something is clearly deficient and needs to change or be changed. In your case, his bringing home gay porn suggests he was dishonest about more than one thing. Why would he marry you unless he wanted a sham marriage as a cover story? Your second ex did the same but added a sham religion.
From the It Could Always Be Worse Dept.: LK has a neighbor with a yappy dog that's outside barking all night, then they start breaking up concrete at 6 in the morning. (She and her son have major medical complications.) I said call the constable, that's what she's paying them for.
Politics are not important to me though I should mention my values are conservative while my politics are progressive. (I don't believe we should try to live in the 1950s but in the current decade and beyond.)
You speak of the ideal [spiritual lessons], if people are willing and able to go beyond the places they are now. During a recovery effort, so much need is just for the basics first, however (water, food, bed, clothes, cell phone). My heart goes out to everyone. Houston suffered a lot from Tropical Storm Allison (to the tune of $4 billion) but this should top $100 billion!
Men are insecure that way [leaving women who won't be codependent on them]. Well, the insecure ones are. Is it their fault they are that way, their fault they convince women to marry them, or the women's fault for believing and marrying them? No one can say without living through the individual situation.
Oh I know teamwork, believe me!
I deeply wish people would stop presuming to speak for God and telling others "what God wants," wills, or intends.
NOAA has published satellite imagery of the flooded areas after Hurricane Katrina at; try this closer link, then click on any rectangle to get a magnified view.
Some people say God sent the storm as a punishment for sinners. (So what about all the churchgoers, huh? What about God telling Abraham he would save a city if five moral people lived there, huh?) Weather happens whether people are on the face of the earth or not. People should not try to impute (assign) too much of God's "purpose" behind neutral events like weather, and it's scary when they believe that hundreds or thousands died through justice and God's will.
I've just discovered Nature Valley Sweet & Salty Nut almond granola bars. Chewy almondy goodness!
Recovery in New Orleans will take months so people will go where they have family or preferences; Houston being a major metro area with great opportunities, the majority will probably settle here since it's the closest neighbor with many cultural affinities. Children are being enrolled in schools and people are already finding apartments and jobs here. Those whose heritage is in New Orleans will return; as they should. If I grew up in St. Paul and had to relocate to Minneapolis, I would eventually return to St. Paul for such reasons; or having lived in Minneapolis, I might stay.
You explain the fishing metaphor quite imaginatively. I'm sure it applies as a rule, though I hate to think of dating in competitive Darwinian terms as if it were a Survivor show. I'm too much of a romantic for that. Oh, I understand men's motives, even if I can't conceive of myself as being that shallow. It's in the genes, I suppose; we're just supposed to rise above that. I'm just glad most women are "deep" [regarding relationships].
It is important to decide whether our leaders are doing their jobs; but no time for that until after all the lives have been saved that can be. Blame isn't the game, post-event assessment and remediation is.
Some people say God strikes those who do wrong with lightning bolts. I don't believe that, but if he did, mightn't he also strike a pastor for not doing right [for example, ignoring the hurricane victims]?
My family uses butter for everything. (Land O' Lakes is a favorite since it's from Minnesota and excellent.) Butter doesn't just taste better or best; it's the only thing that has any flavor. (I will sometimes use I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, but that's it.)
Every church [and synagogue] I've heard of has taken up collections and sent food and volunteers already, including every Catholic Church. Yours has said no prayers but scheduled a collection in two weeks? Yow, I'm half tempted to say keep your head low in case of lightning bolts!
I took Molley out at 4 am and found a blue heron on the lawn opposite (just above the trace, which is still under construction), fly-hopping across the street into the park. He's got to be confused: Dude, where's the water -- not to mention the minnows? The draw's entire trench is still a naked gash, filled with open-top concrete sluice segments; I think the waters are still blocked at I-10. Once they finish and fill it all in and cover it with sod, that heron is going to be even more confused.