Email: Epiphany's epitome [EH]
If you want to get rid of men, try talking like this: Epiphiphipha ... Phanipha pheniphee pherinepha... They'll get the idea -- or some other idea -- either way, it should work!
Twerpette (named for my dachshund Molley, the original twerpette or "goofy girl") seeks to tweak the long nose of life with humor, affection, and gravitas. Topics include dating and relationships, faith and spirituality, language and writing, journalism, technology, arts, academe, whimsy and humanity. Cheeky and tweaky, Twerpette is rated PG13 for mature language and themes. This weblog began May 10, 2005. Copyright 2005-2016 Steve Deyo.
If you want to get rid of men, try talking like this: Epiphiphipha ... Phanipha pheniphee pherinepha... They'll get the idea -- or some other idea -- either way, it should work!
Epiphany means a showing-forth or revelation as in the Lord's coming to Earth. So when someone "has an epiphany" it's quite an eye-opener (and generally a good thing unless it's a rude awakening and used in the ironic sense). "Epiphanized" sounds like he used it in a very stretched sense -- sort of like how I would do so to be intentionally sabotagerical (see?) of the English language, in spoof of someone who didn't know better. I know it's obnoxious and that's my point. Anyway "epiphanized" in this negative context sounds like “euthanized” to me, or definitely a Bushism! ;-}
Accept what has happened. Have hope for what is yet to happen. Don't mix them up much less stir in a whole pot of negatives.
Alzheimer's risk tied to personality traits - Houston Chronicle:
Biggio goes out as 3,060-hit wonder - Houston Chronicle:
Cell-phone-text-sending acronym- and abbreviation-based argot. (I'm not the first person to think of the word but Google shows it's still fairly rare on the Web. For an example of textese, here is the first sentence from an article in Engineering News: "My dRtr k8lin ofN sens me sms msgs wi she rites lik ths. It dsnt tke 2 long 4 me to unstnd thM but its strng at 1st.” ["My daughter Kaitlin often sends me SMS messages wherein she writes like this. It doesn't take too long for me to understand them but it's strange at first."])
What's in an African name? Enough, Godknows, to make you Learnmore - TheAge:
Do you like turkey bacon? Place a few slices (no overlap) between two paper towels on a microwave-safe plate and "mike" it for 3-4 minutes (depending on how crisp you like your turkey bacon: 3 minutes for limp, 4 minutes for semicrisp). It makes a quick side snack for anything.
Upon describing Minnesota's sometime temperatures of 40 below zero windchill, EH replied, "Shiver me timbers!" (a classic pirate phrase meaning "Splinter my masts" with a pun on "shiver"), to which I replied, "Oh, it'll shiver yer nethers!"
[DB] Other ways of celebrating [Octoberfest] could be:
'Here's Johnny!' is lost on freshmen - Houston Chronicle: