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Twerpette (named for my dachshund Molley, the original twerpette or "goofy girl") seeks to tweak the long nose of life with humor, affection, and gravitas. Topics include dating and relationships, faith and spirituality, language and writing, journalism, technology, arts, academe, whimsy and humanity. Cheeky and tweaky, Twerpette is rated PG13 for mature language and themes. This weblog began May 10, 2005. Copyright 2005-2016 Steve Deyo. > Online Shopping Comparison Table: See how you can earn airline and online shopping points from thousands of vendors.
(AirTran Airways via MilesFlyer)
Excerpt: "According to current subscription figures, more than 6,869,797 issues of the National Geographic magazine are sent to subscribers monthly throughout the world. However, it would be safe to say that the bulk of these magazines reach subscribers in the United States and Canada, and it is, and never has been, thrown away! [...]
"Now in its 14th year of publication, the Journal of Polymorphous Perversity is the irreverent psychology humor magazine that The Wall Street Journal called 'a social scientist's answer to Mad magazine.' Where else but between the covers of the Journal of Polymorphous Perversity would you find a seminal article on deja vu that appears twice in the same issue?"
It is true and it's nice that you did confirm it [via]. However, an email can say anything and even can have a virus attached. More importantly, no one needs to send out virus alerts via bulk mail if everyone simply has antivirus protection.
MSN [Messenger] has always had much better security and stability than Yahoo [Messenger].
Folk singers are not "commercially successful" like "popular music" is. Folk music is thoughtful, soulful, and deep -- not qualities that teens (since the 1960s) much less adults pine for as a rule.
It's a bit risky sending you music I haven't overanalyzed as to all possible implications of the lyrics, but I have to take music as suggesting what the listener wants to or needs to hear, and leave it at that.
I had a coupon sitting around for $2 off a package of ground beef (for buying Fowler's Two-Alarm Chili, which I love and also send to my parents up north), so I took it to Kroger's today. (It's getting to be chili weather again.) As part of an advertised sale, they had one package marked down from $4.43 to $2.91. I thought, "Great! I'll pay 91 cents for one and a half pounds of coarse-ground chili meat."
CNN is good for breaking news vignettes -- however all they tend to do is repeat the same four headlines over and over all day. MSNBC does the best job in addressing issues and providing some depth, among all the cable news channels.
CNN's conclusion was (in one sentence) that Google "won't replace the library" (the implication is "for now") "but they're getting closer."
Maybe you're a closet wannabe programmer. :-) There's an emotional reason of some sort. The hard part as we mature is to learn to do what we need to instead of what we want to [do, with urgent matters].
(Adventures in Mission: Egypt has an essay on life in Cairo)
Writer's Almanac: It's the birthday of the singer, songwriter, and novelist Kinky Friedman, (books by this author) born Richard Friedman, in Chicago (1944). He grew up Jewish in Texas and went on to become one of the few successful Jewish country singers with his band the Texas Jewboys. He developed a cult following, writing humorous country ballads such as "Get Your Biscuits in the Oven and Your Buns in the Bed," and "They Ain't Making Jews Like Jesus Anymore" about a fight in a bar between a Jewish man and an anti-Semite.
I'm glad you resonate with Bishop [John] Spong. The fundies hate him as a liberal apostate, but he makes sense to me. You would also like Sojourners magazine (, edited by Jim Wallis (who is no longer welcome in the Bush White House because he says Jesus should be kept out of politics).
I can't believe Houston, the much-self-vaunted fourth-largest city in the nation, is now without Six Flags Astroworld (sold and disassembled due to rising land values). What is the world coming to, if our greatest popular entertainment venues are now Phobia, paintball and mini-golf? Could we at least please get our own MegaMall?
I see and accept the whole person, which is different from those who only want to see and accept the parts they want of me. - Pitts: Commander In Chief raising wrong questions: "Sometimes, we act as if feminism were about women. It isn't. It is, inevitably, about women and men. After all, male and female are two halves of a whole. One side cannot change without requiring the other to do the same. So I think some of us are asking the wrong question here.
Main Entry: fol·de·rol
There are two kinds of people: Those who choose to act professionally and those who take things personally because they have issues with emotional unpreparedness (I suspect). You can't do anything about who is in which camp; you can only avoid the obvious pitfalls and hope for the best. You've done fine on your end. That's all you can do.
I think your intuitions are right. Most people choose to be loyal to their jobs rather than their friends, when put to the test, even if they hate the work (which really messes them up, but that's another story). I believe the [story] on the surface but I haven't confirmed it independently; I guess given X's machinations, anything could be possible. (See how screwed up it gets when you can't take someone at their word?) [I]t's possible others learned about it and drew their own conclusions, independent of the facts. You can always shoot a condemned criminal more cleanly if you don't put him on trial or ask any questions, and do so when he's not looking -- or limping in the other direction.