Email: Post-holiday calm [EH]
Molley likes the quiet, though I think she misses having extra tummy-rubbers around.
Twerpette (named for my dachshund Molley, the original twerpette or "goofy girl") seeks to tweak the long nose of life with humor, affection, and gravitas. Topics include dating and relationships, faith and spirituality, language and writing, journalism, technology, arts, academe, whimsy and humanity. Cheeky and tweaky, Twerpette is rated PG13 for mature language and themes. This weblog began May 10, 2005. Copyright 2005-2016 Steve Deyo.
Molley likes the quiet, though I think she misses having extra tummy-rubbers around.
(Houston Chronicle) "Hesse, 51, and Chiffolo, 47, combed seminary libraries and pored over at least 60 translations of the Old and New Testaments to figure out who ate what — and make an educated guess as to how the dishes were spiced.
(Houston Chronicle) "A San Antonio company has started producing batches of ready-made embryos that single women and infertile couples can order after reviewing detailed information about the race, education, appearance, personality and other characteristics of the egg and sperm donors."
(Houston Chronicle) "During the past year, Rwanda's powerful president has embarked on an uncommon partnership with Pastor Rick Warren and his global PEACE plan, an effort to link churches in networks of evangelism and practical good works.
Function: adjective
I just learned that an accepted variant spelling for "voltamogram" is "voltammogram" -- and I think half the population can be glad it's not a variant spelling for something called a "voltmammogram" -- because such a procedure, if it existed, would only be adding injury to insult.
"Let’s review my argument so far. I surmise that both individual women and Silicon Valley itself are suffering from the opportunity costs imposed by lack of sufficient numbers of female engineers. [...] For whatever reasons -- and they are probably far more complex and multivariate than I could possibly touch on here -- women are not self-training themselves as software professionals at nearly the rate of men."
Would it be easier if we could just communicate via brain implants? Nah, it would be just one more stream to multithread or multitask. Choices!
Father Mario's homily was about how no family is as perfect as our image of the Holy Family, but our family is where we become holy through the daily tussles and choices we make in the Lord. (Another reason I'm glad to be back in the Catholic Church is that [my youngest son] is attending services with me, not required to go off to some kids' place because Protestant services seem largely to not want children present until they can be completely adult about the worship service. I've always liked it that the Catholic Church not only prefers children to be present but offers a "crying room.")
Rule 1 of the Dog's Credo: Sniff everything.
I just walked Miss T, guessing a morning temperature of 46 degrees (and it was 45). The official temps are from Bush Intercontinental Airport, I think, so locally (halfway between Bush and Hobby airports) it's anyone's guess. Or I could get serious and set up an outdoor thermometer of my own.