Saturday, December 17, 2005

Email: The better part of valor [SD]

No one can understand any relationship they haven't lived through; any representation I might give (and I don't want to talk about anyone behind her back) can only suggest a skewed or simplistic notion as to how it really was. I live in the present and the future, not the past.

I am not guarded about relationships because I am gunshy, but because it's not important or your business. I am not going to "fall in love" again until I know my partner is the one for me to marry! (Men put making a correct choice ahead of emotions that would compromise that choice.) To repeat what I've said before: I feel free to discuss anything I deem appropriate to any conversation I have; I know you're sincere; and I don't feel I need comforting there-there pats on the back. I don't believe I'm being reluctant or wounded, simply wise and discreet.

Email: Christmas Schmwischmwas [SD]

I think people procrastinate when they want to avoid something. Men don’t really want to go (Christmas or any) shopping so we put it off till the last minute-—that sort of thing. [My Christmas tree went up Nov. 27 but] I haven’t even thought about [shopping] yet (made a list much less checked it twice). I wish everyone else shared my view of the holiday: Christmas season is not the two months before December 25 (with some people pulling down their Christmas tree even before going to bed on Dec. 25); there are twelve days of Christmas, starting with December 25--so as long as I send all my cards and deliver all my presents by January 6, I’m not late at all!

Weblogs: Spirit and humanity

The LesRev Blog: "Jesus wasn’t afraid to be honest with his Father. He wasn’t all “happy, happy, joy, joy.” And he knew that his human response to the coming sacrifice wasn’t an affront to God. What was his ultimate response? “Yet I want your will, not mine.” Jesus submitted his humanity to God’s Spirit. His submission brought about the victory. But his humanity was not sinful or offensive to God.

I am concerned that we, as the Church, have created an atmosphere that doesn’t allow for human weakness or failure. I hear us saying, “Praise the Lord,” because it is acceptable and expected. We don’t, however, express our honest humanity by saying, “Oh, God how can I cope?” Have we created a place where, unless one expresses superhuman joy and faith all the time, we look down upon and condemn others as less holy or a failure in their faith walk?

We must remember that God, in His infinite wisdom, made us human. But God also put within us His Spirit! That combination of humanity and Spirit is what gives us both the humanity to fail and the faith to overcome; to see ourselves and others as God sees us."

Press: Books for students of writing, language and life

NPR: "That is what writers pray someone will say, and teachers pray a student will say, but it's also part of our human legacy. Movies, music and novels are how we know each other's lives, how we believe each other's conversations, how we enter each other's imaginations, and often, there is no other way but those forms of art to travel elsewhere, into another world."

Friday, December 16, 2005

Internet: Penguin baseball game

Click the title link to play an interactive Flash animation where a Yeti swings his baseball bat at a diving penguin, aiming for maximum snow yardage via skittering or an arced "face plant." Click to set up the Yeti, then click to swing his bat. Cute!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Internet: Kid pic

(This one looks alternately cute and risque until you realize that she would have to know she's been laid bare. Besides, see all those buttons? Either that child is incredibly dextrous for his age, or this photo has been staged.)

Internet: Kid pics

Press: Let us prey - Christian singles today

Christianity Today: "In the last month alone, I've spoken to about half a dozen godly men who have been dumbfounded by the bluntness and aggression of our female counterparts. Rhett, a successful and handsome businessman in his late 20s, told me that after taking a girl on one date, she calls him about ten times a day. Josh, a medical student and Bible study leader, told a rather funny story about ducking out of church each week through a different exit to avoid a girl who wouldn't accept just friendship."

(I don’t believe most of these aggressive women are fine specimens simply driving over the speed limit on Estrogen Highway. My own experience and observation [suggests] that the more desperate a person is, the lower their self esteem and capacity to function in a healthy relationship is. In fact, I suspect most of these women are just trying to “plant a stake in the ground” and “stake their claim” -- often by sexual means instead of their spirit and character.)

Faith: Christmas tree, indeed

We Christians like to think of ourselves as sharing one baptism, one faith, one mind--and to a large extent, this can be true, for those who are more evangelized by the spirit of God within them than the world around them. Many, however, hold conflicting interpretations of the world, because they hold conflicting notions of humanity--and therefore of the deity. The Bible teaches us that love is inclusive, yet they--who profess more loudly to faithfully observe the Bible's tenets than the rest of us--show little more in their hearts than pettiness, judgment, and fear (in a word, hate). They even show glee when the "godless" (anyone, even fellow Christians who fail to side with their idea of God) suffer misfortune and death.

One minor side venue where this dynamic is evident is this year's brouhaha about how Christmas is under attack. (The hatemongers have a perpetual lust for enemies to vilify in order to aggrandize themselves.) What these bozos don't understand is that the Christmas tree was originally a druid symbol, and Christmas itself was the pagan holiday of Saturnalia. (They deny this vehemently, because in their minds it is anathema for Christ to have anything to do with Belial.) In fact, Christianity first co-opted the pagan holiday of the Sun of Righteousness when they claimed that, if anyone, Christ Jesus was the true Son of God and Sun of Righteousness only vaguely prefigured by the pagan holiday. To paraphrase C.S. Lewis and the Oxford Inklings who aided in his conversion from paganism to Christianity, humanity has always longed for the figure of the resurrected savior--yet Christ is the true historical embodiment of that long-awaited figure.

Authentic believers of any faith see God's truth wherever it may be found, and embrace it; hatemongers pick and choose what they are willing to believe, and shy away from any truth that would challenge their dim and doomed worldview. True believers of any faith are inclusive and creative; fundamentalists of any faith are reductive and destructive. The Christmas tree is a unique symbol of Christmas, and of God's encampment or incarnation (John 1) among humans; yet long before that, the evergreen has been a symbol of God's everlasting gift of life to the earth and to his creation. True believers see this; those of small hearts and very little faith fear this.

Birthdays: Tim Conway, 72

Comedian Tim Conway's penchant for inspiring guffaws spans decades and generations. Those who have followed his career remember his impromptu genius on The Carol Burnett Show (including Mr. Tuddball: "Mrs. eh-Wiggins, can you come in here please?"), his video Dorf on Golf, and more recently, several episodes of Spongebob Squarepants (as the erstwhile young ward of Ernest Borgnine's Mermaid Man, Barnacle Boy: "That's Barnacle Man! I'm 68 years old!"). God bless you, Tim Conway. We love you!

Politics: Ken Lay is a snake

He harangues the public about what a tragedy Enron was--but claims he had no part in it. He propounds to be moved by others' losses--but declaims his innocence in causing it. Only now, after many years of others' heartache, yet coincidentally one month before his trial begins, does Ken Lay put forth the words of sympathy--but never a shred of real emotion, much less words of remorse or restitution. He is either a vicious liar or a blissful ignoramus--yet he is not stupid. Ken Lay is a liar and a snake, a criminal of the highest order, and I will not say in public what I think should be done with him.

Press: The four freedoms, 2005

(The Nation - The Four Freedoms, 2005 by Ward Sutton)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Weblogs: One cool cat - update

Blog of the Grateful Bear: "This business of Kato, my cat, listening to jazz is getting a little spooky. The other night he sat staring at the stereo speakers and made the same distinctive meow (more like a squeek than a meow) that he makes when he wants me to open the sliding glass door so he can go outside, or when he wants me to open him a can of tuna. So I turned on the CD player, which had a Grateful Dead CD in it (Truckin’ Up to Buffalo). He kept on squeeking at me till I switched to “his” CD, Thelonious Monk with John Coltrane. Then he stopped squeeking and sat down in front of the speakers and listened. I’m sure he would have been snapping his fingers and drinking espresso if only he had thumbs."

Weblogs: Where would Jesus shop?

Blog of the Grateful Bear:

"1. Where would Jesus shop? Would he be picky about where he bought his Power Rangers toys? Would he buy Power Rangers toys in the first place? How do Power Rangers fit in with evangelical Christian beliefs?

2. Was the angry woman upset because she thought Christmas was not being sufficiently commercialized at Target? Shouldn't it be preferable for Christians to shop at a store that doesn't use Jesus’ birth as a marketing technique?

3. As it turned out, Target was just as commercialized about Christmas as the angry woman wanted it to be. But she held on to her beliefs about Target in spite of the fact that they weren’t true. She couldn’t be dissuaded by facts, although she apparently believes whatever is “written” on the Internet. What does that say about Christians in general, especially the ones who are railing about “the war against Christmas”?"

Email: Cookies crumble? [PD]

They're used by legitimate websites, advertisers, and spammers. You can't use, for example, without accepting them. You can always go back and delete your cookies (individually or in aggregate) through a command in your web browser (see the help for details), but your browser will forget how to log in to the legitimate sites that it learned to do for you. (You write down your passwords in a secure place, right?)

On another matter, you may choose not to use Forms Manager to remember usernames and passwords to websites. My bank site uses my SSN as my username, and I found it appeared in a popup of available usernames -- not good! So I turned off Forms Manager even for the times it asks me to make the choice: [It's] always No for me.

Press: Independent booksellers make their holiday picks

(NPR) "+ Rereadings: Seventeen Writers Revisit Books They Love, edited by Anne Fadiman: This is a tiny little book that catches your eye, perfect for book lovers about the process of rereading a favorite.
+ The Accidental Masterpiece: The Art of Life and Vice Versa by Michael Kimmelman: This book is for both the artist and art lover. Kimmelman writes about how you can revisit paintings and remember that life is full of passion and art.
+ Solo: My Adventures in the Air by Clyde Edgerton: In this memoir, Edgerton comes to terms with his love of flying airplanes and his discomfort with being a combat pilot in a war he didn't support (Vietnam).
+ The Reasons I Won't Be Coming by Elliot Perlman: The author of Seven Types of Ambiguity offers nine stories told in different voices in the first person.
+ Poetry Speaks to Children, edited by Elise Paschen, et al: This is a beautiful children's picture book with CD that is also great for those who loved poetry as a child or were scared away from poetry."

Press: Clever worm lures victims with chat-slang

(NPR) "A malicious new computer worm initiates a chat with its victims through instant messaging and invites them to click on a link -- which allows it to spread to their [AOL] IM buddies.

How the Worm Works
+ A message appears with a link to a site, and the note "LOL, that's cool"
+ Questions often result in the response "Nope, this isn't a virus. LOL"
+ Clicking the link releases the virus, which bypasses security
+ The virus replicates itself by contacting the user's IM buddies"

Press: Will terrorism rewrite the laws of war?

(George Washington founded the 225-year U.S. tradition of humane treatment of wartime prisoners. Since 9/11, George Bush has done as much as terrorism to unravel it.)

(NPR) To take advantage of this apparent loophole, one of a series of memos written by Bush administration officials after the Sept. 11 attacks offered possible defenses against criminal charges, in part, by narrowing the definition of torture. Justice Department attorney Jay Bybee's 2002 memo advised that "certain acts may be cruel, inhuman or degrading, but still not produce pain and suffering of the requisite intensity to fall within (the law's) proscription against torture," which he wrote "must be equivalent in intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death."

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Humor: Cheaper by the Docent

A movie about the dating life of a museum docent.

Musings: As the software installs

Installing software can be mind-numbingly boring, and is not one of those times where telling yourself "Wait for it.... Wait for it..." applies.

Musings: Who says work can't be fun?

At work, adults get to play whack-a-mole every day.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Email: Beer ads [SD]

Beer advertisers -- they're the dregs.

Politics: Bush's FEMA is to blame

The CNN story about thousands of trailers that FEMA still has not paid for or given to hurricane-stricken Louisiana residents is grounds for apoplexy. It is simply unforgivable that Bush has gutted an organization that was the model of rapid response and compassionate care and filled it with political appointees who are clueless dolts. How dare any FEMA suit go home to a comfortable bed when our post-Katrina neighbors have been living without even tents or water all these months? Bush should be ashamed -- as should any Republicans who claim to "love your neighbor as yourself."

Musings: "Too much information" implications

Persons who chronically provide others with "too much information" (about matters that most feel are too in-depth or too personal) probably are showing indications of low self-esteem (or they would clam up or stand up for their own dignity a bit more). In general, a lack of personal boundaries indicates a person who has either lost their own (sharing too freely) or grown accustomed to barreling over others' (imposing or taking advantage of the one-way flow of such information).

Proverbs: Perception is as perception does

Those who have open eyes and open minds ask more questions (and vice versa) than those who don't.

Neologisms: explosure

Exposure to explosive munitions; for example, coalition troops on patrol in Iraq, or hapless victims of a suicide bombing.

Weblogs: God's command to Dr. Dunn

Email: Two genders, one species [TC]

I think we are both right (since we are not talking about opposing ideas). No one wants a relationship with someone who is not "a person of their word." Everyone wants a person they can "laugh with, talk with and discuss decisions with" (right?). Everyone wants a friend, someone to call and email and spend time with, mutually. (Well, everyone but the "players.")

It does seem true from the women I know that most men are only interested in one thing. Argh!

I realized this morning why it's good that men are usually taller than women: Because otherwise, most men would never maintain eye contact with their partner!

I do apologize for my half of the species. More and more, I realize how exactly opposite men and women approach life and "love." This isn't always bad -- so long as both parties recognize it and can find some middle ground. (Ignorance of this reality and an inability to find some common ground -- that is, selfishness -- is probably the cause of all hurt in relationships.)

I know what it's like to be a single parent and experience "mind warp"!

Email: Co-workers or friends? [SD]

It's good not to discuss your love life with coworkers [esp. if they are trying to pry it out of you]. For many women, their coworkers are their friends, but I think most people find that friends are friends, and coworkers are coworkers.

Typos: insul[a]ted

I lived in Minnesota -- and the previous owners never insulted the attic.

[This one was my own. I have got to clean my keyboard!]

Email: Time is short [SD]

Sorry to hear about the iTunes problem. I'd contact iTunes support or their help/FAQ site. As I say, we can do anything we want... But everything takes time, and that is limited!

Speaking of time being short... I believe I'll have some more coffee and chocolate!

Quotes: Three requirements for happiness (Flaubert)

"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost." -- Gustav Flaubert

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Musings: Molley's nickames

Goofy Girl
Pretty Girl
Prancy Girl
Miss Pooh
Danger Dog
Schnozz (The)
Helicopter Dog
Skittertoes [12/12/05]
Weredog [2/18/06]

Lyrics: Spanish Christmas songs

(via, which adds Los Peces en el Rio)

A medianoche se oyó
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear

A medianoche se oyó aquel dulce refrán
de ángeles que en unión las gratas nuevas dan:
"La paz y buena voluntad del gran Rey celestial".
El mundo en quietud oyó el son angelical.

En gloria vedlos descender, los ángeles de Dios;
el triste mundo oirá su resonante voz.
En las llanuras de Belén se oye su canción,
diciendo que de Dios bajó al mundo redención.

El tiempo ya predicho fue, por siervos del Señor,
y en el mundo reinarán la paz y el amor.
Entonces el Señor será el Príncipe de Paz,
y cantaremos otra vez el canto de solaz.
Campanas de Navidad
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day

Oí campanas repicar el día de la Navidad,
su dulce canto pregonar de paz y buena voluntad.

Sabía que el carillón cantaba el alegre son
clamando a la cristiandad la paz y buena voluntad.

Mas no podía hallar solaz, pues no veía yo la paz.
Había odio y maldad, sin paz ni buena voluntad.

El son llegó más fuerte ya: "Dios vive y velando está.
Los justos prevalecerán con paz y buena voluntad".

El mundo se me transformó; la noche en día se tornó.
Sublime son oí cantar de paz y buena voluntad.
Jingle Bells

Cascabel, cascabel,
Música de amor.
Dulces horas, gratas horas,
Juventud en flor.
Cascabel, cascabel
Tan sentimental.
No ceces, oh cascabel,
De repiquetear.
Escuchad el son triunfal
Hark, the Herald Angels Sing

Escuchad el son triunfal de la hueste celestial:
Paz y buena voluntad; salvación Dios os dará.
Cante hoy toda nación la angelical canción;
estas nuevas todos den: Nació Cristo en Belén.

¡Salve, Príncipe de Paz! Redención traído has,
luz y vida con virtud, en tus alas la salud.
De tu trono has bajado y la muerte conquistado
para dar al ser mortal nacimiento celestial.
Hoy en la tierra
Angels We Have Heard on High

Hoy en la tierra el cielo envia una capilla angelical
trayéndonos paz y alegría, cantando el himno triunfal.
Gloria a Dios en el cielo, gloria a Dios en el cielo.

Viene anunciar el nacimiento de nuestro amable Redentor.
Colmado de agradecimiento digamos todos con fervor,
Gloria a Dios en el cielo, gloria a Dios en el cielo.

Unos pastores que velaban en la pradera de Belén
vieron querubes que entonaban cantares para nuestro bien.
Gloria a Dios en el cielo, gloria a Dios en el cielo.
Jesús en pesebre
Away in a Manger

Jesús en pesebre, sin cuna, nació;
Su tierna cabeza en heno durmió.
Los astros, brillando, prestaban su luz
al niño dormido, pequeño Jesús.

Los bueyes bramaron y Él despertó,
mas Cristo fue bueno y nunca lloró.
Te amo, oh Cristo, y mírame, sí,
aquí en mi cuna, pensando en ti.

Te pido, Jesús, que me guardes a mí,
amándome siempre, como te amo a ti.
A todos los niños da tu bendición,
y haznos más dignos de tu gran mansión.
La primera navidad
The First Noel

La primera Navidad un coro se oyó;
a humildes pastores el cielo cantó,
y un ángel les habló rodeado de luz,
anunciando la Natividad de Jesús.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel.
Hoy ha nacido el Rey de Israel.

La estrella de Belén a los magos guió;
en la noche silente en Judea brilló.
El pesebre encontraron siguiendo la luz
y le dieron presentes al niño Jesús.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel.
Hoy ha nacido el Rey de Israel.
Los 12 días de Navidad
The 12 Days of Christmas

El primer día de Navidad, mi amante me mandó
una perdiz picando peras del peral.

El segundo día de Navidad, mi amante me mandó
dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral.

El tercer día de Navidad, mi amante me mandó
tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral.

El cuarto día de Navidad, mi amante me mandó
cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral.

El quinto día de Navidad, mi amante me mandó
cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral.

El sexto día de Navidad, mi amante me mandó
seis mamá gansas, cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral.

El séptimo día de Navidad, mi amante me mandó
siete cisnitos, seis mamá gansas, cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral.

El octavo día de Navidad, mi amante me mandó
ocho lecheritas, siete cisnitos, seis mamá gansas, cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral.

El noveno día de Navidad, mi amante me mandó
nueve bailarinas, ocho lecheritas, siete cisnitos, seis mamá gansas, cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral.

El décimo día de Navidad, mi amante me mandó
diez señores saltando, nueve bailarinas, ocho lecheritas, siete cisnitos, seis mamá gansas, cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral.

El undécimo día de Navidad, mi amante me mandó
once gaiteritos, diez señores saltando, nueve bailarinas, ocho lecheritas, siete cisnitos, seis mamá gansas, cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral.

El duodécimo día de Navidad, mi amante me mandó
doce tamborileros, once gaiteritos, diez señores saltando, nueve bailarinas, ocho lecheritas, siete cisnitos, seis mamá gansas, cinco anillos dorados, cuatro pajaritos, tres gallinitas, dos tortolitas y una perdiz picando peras del peral.
Los tres reyes
We Three Kings
¡Los tres Reyes, vednos aquí!,
Lejos nuestra patria está.
Siempre vimos y seguimos
La estrella que nos guió.

¡Oh, astro lleno de amor,
De belleza y fulgor!
Tu camino nos conduce
Al eterno esplendor.
Navidad, Navidad
Jingle Bells

Navidad, Navidad, hoy es Navidad.
Con campanas este día hay que festejar
Navidad, Navidad, porque ya nació
ayer noche, Nochebuena, el niñito Dios.
Noche de Paz
Silent Night (Stille Nacht)

Noche de paz, noche de amor,
Todo duerme en derredor.
Entre sus astros que esparcen su luz
Bella anunciando al niñito Jesús.
Brilla la estrella de paz,
Brilla la estrella de paz.

Noche de paz, noche de amor,
Todo duerme en derredor.
Sólo velan en la oscuridad
Los pastores que en el campo están
Y la estrella de Belén,
Y la estrella de Belén.

Noche de paz, noche de amor,
Todo duerme en derredor.
Sobre el santo niño Jesús
Una estrella esparce su luz,
Brilla sobre el Rey,
Brilla sobre el Rey.

Noche de paz, noche de amor,
Todo duerme en derredor;
Fieles velando allí en Belén
Los pastores, la madre también,
Y la estrella de paz,
Y la estrella de paz.
Noche sagrada
O Holy Night

Oh santa noche, noche tan serena
Tan bella cuando nació nuestro rey,
El santo rey Jesus, que vino al mundo
A darnos paz, esperanza y amor.
El dulce niño, príncipe celeste,
Divino rey Jesús, el salvador.
Noche gloriosa, noche maravillosa,
Oh noche de amor, oh noche divina,
Oh noche de paz, oh noche de amor.
Oh pueblecito de Belén
O Little Town of Bethlehem

Oh pueblecito de Belén, cuán quieto tú estás.
Los astros en silencio dan su bella luz en paz.
Mas en tus calles brilla la luz de redención
que da a todo hombre la eterna salvación.

Nacido el Mesías ha, y en Su derredor,
los santos ángeles de Dios vigilan con amor.
Alábenlo los astros; las nuevas proclamad
que a los hombres dan la paz y buena voluntad.

Oh, cuán inmenso el amor que nuestro Dios mostró
al enviar un Salvador; Su Hijo nos mandó.
Aunque Su nacimiento pasó sin atención,
aún lo puede recibir el manso corazón.
¿Qué niño es éste?
What Child Is This?

1. ¿Qué niño es éste que al dormir
en brazos de María, pastores velan,
ángeles le cantan melodías?
Él es el Cristo, el rey.
Pastores, ángeles cantan,
«Venid, venid a él, al hijo de María.»
2. ¿Por qué en humilde establo así,
el niño es hoy nacido?
Por todo injusto pecador
su amor ha florecido.
Él es el Cristo, el rey.
Pastores, ángeles cantan,
«Venid, venid a él, al hijo de María.»
3. Traed ofrendas en su honor
el rey como el labriego,
al rey de reyes, salvador,
un trono levantemos.
Él es el Cristo, el rey.
Pastores, ángeles cantan,
«Venid, venid a él, al hijo de María.»
Qué verdes son
Oh, Christmas Tree (O Tannenbaum)

Qué verdes son, qué verdes son las hojas del abeto.
Qué verdes son, qué verdes son las hojas del abeto.
En Navidad qué hermoso está con su brillar de luces mil.
Qué verdes son, qué verdes son las hojas del abeto.

Qué verdes son, qué verdes son las hojas del abeto.
Qué verdes son, qué verdes son las hojas del abeto.
Sus ramas siempre airosas son, su aroma es encantador.
Qué verdes son, qué verdes son las hojas del abeto.
¡Regocijad! Jesús nació
Joy to the World

¡Regocijad! Jesús nació, del mundo Salvador;
y cada corazón tornad a recibir al Rey,
a recibir al Rey. Venid a recibir al Rey.

¡Regocijad! El reinará; cantemos en unión;
y en la tierra y en el mar loor resonará,
loor resonará, y gran loor resonará.

Ya la maldad vencida es; la tierra paz tendrá.
La bendición del Salvador quitó la maldición,
quitó la maldición; Jesús quitó la maldición.

¡Glorias a Dios cantemos hoy! Señor de Israel,
la libertad tú le darás y tú serás su Dios,
y tú serás su Dios, Señor, y tú serás su Dios.
Venid, adoremos
O Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles)

Venid, adoremos, con alegre canto;
venid al pueblito de Belén.
Hoy ha nacido el Rey del los ángeles.
Venid y adoremos, venid y admoremos,
venid y adoremos a Cristo Jesús.

Cantadle loores, coros celestiales;
resuene el eco angelical.
Gloria cantemos al Dios del cielo.
Venid y adoremos, venid y adoremos,
venid y adoremos a Cristo Jesús.

Señor, nos gozamos en tu nacimiento;
oh Cristo, a ti la gloria será.
Ya en la carne, Verbo del Padre.
Venid y adoremos, venid y adoremos,
venid y adoremos a Cristo Jesus.
Ya llegó la Navidad
Deck the Halls

Ya llegó la Navidad
Qué alegre se siente el alma
Vamos todos a cantar
Vamos todos a reír

Apóstoles y magos vienen
Adorar al tierno niño
Vamos todos a cantar
Vamos todos a reír

Por doquiera llevaremos
Mensaje de buenas nuevas
Vamos todos a cantar
Vamos todos a reír

Typos: Vonage keep families close!

(In a Vonage ad on