Websites: What is contra dance?
Twerpette (named for my dachshund Molley, the original twerpette or "goofy girl") seeks to tweak the long nose of life with humor, affection, and gravitas. Topics include dating and relationships, faith and spirituality, language and writing, journalism, technology, arts, academe, whimsy and humanity. Cheeky and tweaky, Twerpette is rated PG13 for mature language and themes. This weblog began May 10, 2005. Copyright 2005-2016 Steve Deyo.
I appreciate your reflections on Mapplethorpe. Like you, I respect him for his awareness of his art and efforts (if that were all I knew of him). [Many] gays are self-actualized because they have had to become so despite (or because of) great opposition. (Who chooses to become something -- gay, Jew or Christian -- that they know will invite persecution, unless they are sure it is true?)
(via, with my favorites in bold)
People slept on average nine hours a night before the invention of electricity (and they do so again if temporarily deprived of Edison's gift to mankind).
The Mingle family of dating sites has added a Think You'd Click? feature to its already excellent interface. It turns out they also have a diagnostic tool that walks users through and helps resolve web browser problems. I've never seen a company do something like this -- apart from Microsoft's troubleshooting wizards -- and I've covered the industry for a long time.
(via Minnesota Public Radio's Composer's Datebook)
Main Entry: wan·ton
The other day I called a company's Technical Support number and the voice prompts told me to say Tech Support if I wanted same. I did, twice, but the system kept saying it couldn't understand me. So I said "Tech Freaking Support!" and it bounced me right to a tech -- much faster than on a previous call, when it took several layers of button pressing to finally reach one!
The repair guy came by for a minute and Molley wanted to tear him a new ankle, so I held her till he was gone. It's been ten minutes and she's still huffing and wuffing at every sound she hears outside. She's my alpha girl.
This Frequently Asked Questions site on caffeine and coffee should tell you everything you want to know, including the caffeine content of beverages. It also includes recipes for Turkish, Irish, Thai and Vietnamese coffees.
NOUN: 1. A stake or pointed stick; a picket. 2. A fence enclosing an area. 3. The area enclosed by a fence or boundary. 4a. A region or district lying within an imposed boundary or constituting a separate jurisdiction. b. Pale The medieval dominions of the English in Ireland. Used with the. 5. Heraldry A wide vertical band in the center of an escutcheon.
Stress... Aaaah... Do you ever suck it in and hold it... savor it... then just grin and let it out while wiping your mouth on your sleeve...?
I understand that Lidge was told to walk Pujols, but thought he could strike him out. Well, he was wrong -- and that's not a time when you make that kind of decision, Mister Beef for Brains!
This site constantly monitors and conveniently publishes all airfare cuts, showing the lowest possible up-to-date fares for all cities listed.
Main Entry: whit
Looks like it's headed off Cancun but then what after that...?
Too bad we didn't walk Pujols! Yow!
The wrong link you give for my post is this.
Discussing it with MG in St. Louis, I maintain the Astros should win (not the Cardinals "to make interesting") because the team that's done the most work should get the most credit and just win the thing so they can rest up for the World Series, which is the whole point of the thing.
Not only are these characters all perpetual buffoons, but the wah-wah theme music for their commercials clearly shows that even the producers intend them to be caricatures trying to pass as human beings.
[A church's decision whether to have a pipe organ (like at St. Mark's Lutheran in Stamford, CT), an electronic organ (like the Rodgers), or no organ at all i]s always a matter of vision and budget -- and those without one or the other don't seem to understand that the two are connected. Poverty begets poverty.
Lord of the Rings Very Secret Diar[ies] Part 2:
In the south, a koozie is a foam wrap for a cold beverage in a can. See cozy (noun) in Merriam-Webster.
Main Entry: co·zy
Ads that peeve me off most are tampon ads and hard-on commercials -- basically, ads for products that help people get through times with no sex. Isn't that revealing about our society? The only things more offensive would be ads for jock itch, vaginal discharge and condoms -- and those ads run at night, and not as late as you would think either.
Here's a prime example of "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" offered by an English professor from the University of Phoenix:
What do you call two Mexicans playing basketball?
I think true compatibility is less about being both the same (except among "lesser mortals") but about being able to accommodate the differences in a kind and caring manner.
A personal journal is a good way to keep oneself rooted in one's values and life direction. It's a good sign that you have that discipline.
Yeah, funny thing about the Tridentine Mass... The Pope has greatly restricted it and excommunicated those who insist on it... Most of the top links on Google are written by pro-Tridentine groups but here is a legitimate if unofficial overview. lists no Latin masses available in St. Louis but does list one available in Houston (pop. 4.8 million) and one in the Twin Cities (pop. 2 million). It sure is weird when you have people who claim that the most conservative denomination is far from conservative enough, and want to roll things back to the 1500s...