Email: Personal boundaries [CH]
Yes, I read The Four Loves [by C.S. Lewis] in college. Have you read The Five Love Languages [by Gary Chapman]? Nurturing is good in a relationship once it reaches the proper mutual depth. I understand that is your “style” but there is a boundary for “taking responsibility” where neither [partner] should “own” or worry about the other more than is customary or appropriate. Married couples can go more deeply into that, but taking personal responsibility for things that are not yet “ours” is a boundary thingy.
Don’t worry about second-guessing yourself in a dating relationship. If you are “living in the light,” then (boundaries again) each person is responsible for his or her expression and response -- the actual, not imagined, expression and response.
I hope you don’t feel you are Grasshopper to my Master. (I’m no master.)
Don’t rely too much on book learning but on your heart to teach you. That’s why I point but let you find your own path. I respect you that much.